‘Music-less music videos’ are seriously funny

June 19, 2014 11:26 am 20 comments Views: 8
Our personal favourite of the musicless music videos. Picture: RB

Our personal favourite of the musicless music videos. Picture: RB
Source: Supplied

TAKE the music out of some of your favourite music videos, and they suddenly look very weird indeed.

That’s proven in the ‘Music-less music videos’ created by YouTuber Mario Wienerroither, who mutes the music on iconic videos by the likes of Michael Jackson, Queen and The Prodigy, then painstakingly creates a new soundscape to match the visuals: a cacophony of grunts, shuffles, sneezes and other strange sound effects.

The end result is very, very funny — and Wienerroither’s latest creation, a one-minute excerpt of the very daggy video for David Bowie and Mick Jagger’s 1985 duet Dancing in the Street, might be his funniest yet:

Musicless Jagger & Bowie

We also love his take on The Prodigy’s Firestarter. Stripped of the heavy dance track, the band look surprisingly vulnerable — not least because poor old Keith Flint appears to be suffering a sneezing fit:

Musicless Prodigy

And the Sapphic vibe between Shakira and Rihanna in their Can’t Remember To Forget You video is taken to its logical conclusion, with an array of thigh-slapping noises and the unmistakable sound of Shakira’s butt polishing every surface it touches:

Musicless Shakira

Genius. For more of Mario’s creations, head over to his YouTube channel.


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