Mariah releases ‘interactive’, ‘melodic’ drink

June 12, 2014 5:25 am 212 comments Views: 2
Mariah Carey and Kevin Liles announce the launch of her Go N'Syde bottle "Butterfly". Pic

Mariah Carey and Kevin Liles announce the launch of her Go N’Syde bottle “Butterfly”. Picture: Getty Images
Source: Getty Images

MOVE over Jackie Gillies, there’s a new beverage boss in town.

Mariah Carey has announced the release of a new non-alcoholic beverage under her name — one that has magical powers, if the PR guff accompanying the release is to be believed.

Packaged in a ‘Go N’syde’ bottle (?), the drink, called Butterfly, is a pink non-alcoholic concoction described as an “interactive” … “melodic beverage, inspired by the magic of Mariah Carey.”

“This is a whole ‘nother thing,” Entertainment Weekly reports Carey as saying at this week’s New York launch. “We can do this, and I will almost be in the room with you.”

So how exactly is the drink ‘interactive’? Aren’t all drinks by their very nature interactive, seeing as you have to, you know, drink them?

Mariah Carey’s best worst lyrics

Apparently, Butterfly drinkers can download the Go N’Syde Beverage app and scan the bottle, and will be given access to Mariah’s new social network for exclusive photos, videos and more.

Mariah Carey and two large golden orbs. Also pictured: A couple of award statues. Picture

Mariah Carey and two large golden orbs. Also pictured: A couple of award statues. Picture: AFP PHOTO
Source: AFP

That’s ‘interactive’ explained, but ‘melodic’? Your guess is as good as ours. Perhaps one sip of the drink will have you hitting those elusive whistle notes?

You’d want to hope so, because early reviews of the syrupy-sweet pink concoction haven’t been great. Food blogger Junk Food Guy described it as “horrible” … “like liquid sugar-free gummi bears, while website Hello Beautiful dubbed it “a Gatorade-like drink with more sugar.”

Even Mariah’s endorsement seems slightly unconvincing — she told press at the launch that she “actually liked” like the drink. “The truth of the matter is, it’s good. I’m not lying!” she insisted.

It’s been a tough few weeks for Mariah with news that her latest album, the ludicrously-titled Me. I Am Mariah … The Elusive Chanteuse
had the worst first-week sales of her entire career, following two years of false starts on the musical project.

At least she can drown her sorrows with a nice, tall sugary glass of Butterfly.

Plagued by delays, Mariah’s new album raked in the smallest opening week sales of her car

Plagued by delays, Mariah’s new album raked in the smallest opening week sales of her career. Picture: Getty Images
Source: AFP

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