Ke$ha’s hoo-ha is haunted

October 16, 2013 12:46 am 1 comment Views:
Ke$  ha isn't what you'd call a conservative dresser. Photo: AP Photo

Ke$ ha isn’t what you’d call a conservative dresser. Photo: AP Photo
Source: Supplied

KE$ HA has said some ridiculous things in the past, but she may have just outdone herself.

The 27-year-old singer cranked the crazy meter up to eleven on Jimmy Kimmel Live overnight, telling the host that her hoo-ha is haunted.

“You are laughing, but it’s very serious,” she said.

“So I was told I had dead people in me so I called … my hypnotherapist. So then she said she had to exorcise my body. And then I got a ghost meter to read it and it just beeped at my vagina.”

Kesha’s cuckoo claim is the latest in a long line of bizarre comments from the Warrior singer, here are some other doozies:

1. On having sex with a ghost: “I had a couple of experiences with the supernatural. I don’t know his name! He was a ghost! I’m very open to it.” (KIISFM)

2. “Like, I have a belief that if I wear my placenta in a necklace there’s a possibility of me … being psychic.” (Interview magazine)

3. “I left the venue to do a photo shoot for an MTV AIDS awareness campaign, and for a moment, as my fans were chasing the car down the cobblestone streets of the beautiful, old city, I felt like a unicorn.” (My Crazy Beautiful Life book)

4. “Jack Daniels is an anti – bacterial and it’s way better than morning breath. Let me put it this way, if you wake up naked in a bathtub and you have the choice between rinsing out with Jack Daniels or trying to make out with some dude with morning breath, I would recommend picking up the Jack.” (Vanity Fair)

5. “I go under hypnosis regularly; I go into my past lives. I’ve been a warrior princess, I’ve also been a dude many times which makes sense with my phallic obsession.” (Jimmy Kimmel Live)

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